lördag 7 juni 2008

Hillary endorsar nu tydligt Obama

Hillary Clinton som häromdagen var något tillbakadragen i sitt erkännande av Obama tycks nu accepterat såväl sitt eget öde som hans, och visade i sitt tal tidigare ikväll att hon nu fokuserar på en Demokratisk seger i höst och därför ger Barack Obama sitt fulla stöd och lovar att också arbeta för att denne ska bli president. NY Times skriver:

In a letter on her Web site, Mrs. Clinton expressed her support for Mr. Obama in this way: “Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of so many people working for our campaign. Every minute you put into helping us win, every dollar you gave to keep up the fight meant more to me than I can ever possibly tell you.

Mrs. Clinton continued, saying: I “extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy. This has been a long and hard-fought campaign, but as I have always said, my differences with Senator Obama are small compared to the differences we have with Senator McCain and the Republicans.”

Läs resten av artikeln här: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/07/us/politics/07cnd-campaign.html?_r=2&hp=&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1212858425-dB8YVeaP7sQet9o7pu7Bzg&oref=slogin

Samtidigt som Hillary nu gör det som väl egentligen var ganska väntat, och försöker återföra de Demokratiska fåren till fållan, tycks likväl somliga av hennes supportrar likväl inte stödja Obama.

Rosemary Storaska of Stafford, Virginia, volunteered for Clinton, following the campaign all over Pennsylvania. Citing what she sees as Obama's severe lack of experience, she said she will vote for John McCain.

"I worked on her campaign since Thanksgiving . . . that is the one place we won't follow her."

Dee Sawyers made sure she was first in line to see Clinton's speech Saturday.

"I think we'll look back at this race and see what was truly historic about it," she said.


Även om Hillary kommer att göra vad hon kan för att få sina supportrar att nu stödja Obama - så kommer väl förhoppningvis somliga att inte lyda henne, vilket kanske kan bana väg för McCain. Förmodligen kommer dock opinionssiffrorna om ett splittrat Demokratiskt parti sjunka allteftersom Hillary fortsätter predika å Obamas vägnar.

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